We worked in a partnership with the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences along with the School of Media and Public Affairs of The George Washington University on an internal news/facts program. This program, Face the Facts USA, produces frequent factual information with rich media to "get the message out".
Delivers provocative facts about big issues to help Americans debunk myths, hold better conversations, get involved, and make choices as smarter citizens.
The project existed in a previous state for sometime but wished to migrate various pieces to form a while within a Drupal framework. We connected all the pieces together to form a new web presence, migrating their content into a clean design, and providing a hosting infrastructure. FTF uses a few key pieces of functionality:
- Disqus powers the comments
- Google on-site Search
- Newsletter powered by MailChimp
- Per-record social media associations (so there's likes/tweets/etc. counted for each record or "article")
- RSS routed through FeedBurner
- Blogs are powered by Tumblr
- Responsive Design
- HTML5 / CSS3 base, plenty of jQuery