Working within a large team of mixed developer resources, Daymuse has provided The Advisory Board Company with much of the front-end user interface of the first release of their Cohort Price Pulse product. The backend system, Java-based, required integration with the front-end at a low level. Internal resources provided Daymuse with much of the general design where we created the details and brought it to life as an integral part of the team.
Cohort Price Pulse exists as part of The Advisory Board Company's product series:
Building off of past functionality, the Cohort Price Pulse allows for instant visibility into prices paid for individual items from across our cohort of over 400 facilities. These new features allow you to:
See every price point in the cohort, in addition to 50th and 75th percentile prices
Access demographic information for every price point, including hospital size and region
Upload lists of up to 5000 items for instant bid-scoring to understand aggressive pricing for every item on the list
CPP and the concepts are used in a variety of The Advisory Board Company's products.